The General Theory of Magnitudes


  • Daniel Weinstock Nassau Community College, Alumni and Queens College : City University of NY



Inverse Apparent Magnitudes; star night photographs using centimeters for transactions; Natural Logarithms


As a continuing of the previous Theory of Magnitudes, this a General Theory

The previous theory dealt only with the closest star in a ratio of its greatest inverse apparent magnitude. My new theory shows the distance between 2 stars anywhere on a photograph of the

nights sky using centimeters. I am extending that beginning formula adding on a new equation with the integral calculus formula using the number value at that given to be  raised to exponent 2 divided by 2 .  All stars are using inverse Apparent Magnitudes like my first paper.

 My new formulas as stated 1+ Inverse Apparent Magnitudes  one = Q 1

                                             1 + Inverse Apparent Magnitude two  = Q2


 (Q1 + Q2) – (Q1 – Q2) times 2.5 divided by / (Q1 + Q2) + (Q1- Q2) times 8 pi take the square root of that by which was divided. take the natural logarithm of that and you get the value P

 take P squared and then divide P by 2 .  call all of this formula  W

My second equation ; Euler’s number raised to its exponent is such ; total addition of the inverse apparent magnitudes in a centimeter using  times that in centimeter plus one times 8 pi . .   

take  natural logarithm of that total using square root of total   of this divided by 3 pi

Take this second equation and square it the multiply this equation  called Y by w then subtract

this total by w ;Then divide the previous equation by the Natural Logarithm in This set  of the Inverse apparent magnitude of the reference star raised to the exponent of 10 } .


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How to Cite

Weinstock, D. (2023). The General Theory of Magnitudes. Eximia, 12(1), 252–253.